Saturday, December 10, 2011

The 99s- Target Audience

For the band I have been researching I believe the target audience that I should target is 14-25 year olds as this age group is usually into their music and many people of this age listen to music of the indie genre. People of this age are often into their clothes, and fashion and many people try to dress indie and style themselves on musical icons such as their favourite bands.

The lyrics of the songs they create are very relevant to people of this age so the audience can sympathise with the band writing the song and the melodies are very catchy so people are likely to sing along to the songs.

To appeal to this demographic I would market the band mainly online using social media websites like facebook, twitter, myspace and websites like YouTube and blogs. Another method would be music tv channels and radio stations.

I will need to do some analysis to find out what appeals to this target market group.