Monday, February 20, 2012

Shot list

I have compiled a preliminary list of shots I need to take on my filming day, which I have rescheduled for Sunday 10th February.

Shot list (chronological order):

  • Close-up of an alarm clock on a bedside table, bells ring/alarm goes off- music starts
  • Zoom-out top down shot of male (lead singer) waking up to the alarm
  • Mid-shot of guy rolling over to switch off alarm
  • Medium close-up of male rolling over towards the camera, ending looking directly towards the lens
  • Birdseye/ top down  shot of him rolling over onto his back again. Lip syncing "Everyday I seem to turn around, I'm on my back again"
  • 360 degree panning shot I know there's something better than this room I'm living in"
  • Long shot of him sitting up in bed and getting up
  • medium shot of him sit on edge of bed rub eyes/face brush hair flat
  • Long shot of him stand up from bed
  • Over shoulder shot of him standing looking out of the window
  • Diagonal shot him at window- seeing bleak sky lip sync "looking outside and the sky is black, I know a better place"
  •  Mid-shot. Fast zoom in to close-up (until just see his t-shirt). Repeat from 3 other sides of him
  • Close-up of clock- time lapse photography
  • Long shot on upper landing of man walking out of bedroom towards the camera
  • Extreme close-up floor level shot of person walking past camera framing their feet.
  • Low angle long shot of male at top of first flight stairs and walking down, camera at bottom of flight- sits on stairs
  • Mid-long shot of male walking sideways past static camera
  • Mid-close-up lead singer front on
  • Close-up over shoulder shot in the mirror of him brushing his teeth
  • Mid-shot of him washing
  • Mirror shot of him shaving
  • Long shots of band playing in sync together- guitarist and singer, front-centre drummer and bass either side slightly back
  • Mid-shot of guitarist on his own
  • Extreme close-ups of guitarists right hand strumming strings
  • Extreme close-ups of guitarists left hand pressing/ moving on fretboard (guitar solo)
  • Extreme close-ups of bassist (right-hand) plucking strings
  • Extreme close-ups of bassist (left-hand) pressing strings on fretboard
  • mid-shot of drummer
  • close-up of drumstick hitting drum
  • Extreme close-up of drumroll on cymbals
  • Close-up of vocalist- lip syncing
  • Close-up of drummer lip syncing "Woooh" for instrumental
  • Long shot of band members lined up in front of wall- stills
  • long shot as before- 2 of the people swap places. repeat with them swapping places and changing direction they are facing in.
  • Long shot of band 'procession' past camera
  • still long shots of members wearing hats. stop motion of them changed hats along the line