Sunday, February 5, 2012

Props-extended camera/tripod mount

In order to create the effect of the bedroom/walls blurring together to use as a transitional shot, I would need to loosen the tripod pan screw to allow the camera to spin quickly enough to create motion blur. However, spinning the camera on the tripod would create a 360° pan as the camera would spin centred on the axis of rotation. The effect I wanted was for the camera to spin in a large circle as if it was tracking around the room, to do this I created a makeshift extended camera mount so the camera would spin further away from the axis. I used one tripod and the removable camera mounting plate from another tripod.
Tripod with flat piece of wood clamped where camera would normally go. Camera on the end of the plank to increase pan circle diameter.

The wood held on with spring clamps

Camera screwed to camera mounting plate from another camera tripod and secured with elastic band and tape.