Saturday, January 28, 2012

Location Shots

I chose to go and take some pictures of a possible location for my video. I had already established that I wanted part or all of the video to be set in a young guys house. The look that I wanted to create was a student esque, messy, basic looking house that would match the stereotype that I am trying to create to match the drab lifestyle described in the lyrics of the song. The picture below shows the bedroom that the scene in which the singer wakes up will be filmed in.

Since there is quite a heavy reference in the lyrics to looking outside and the grey skies etc. I wanted to have the window as a key part of the video- this window suited what I wanted as you could see the sky clearly from the window and the was a good view of houses/ buildings to use as a skyline.

Part of my video will be showing the singer's daily routine, so I may use shots in the bathroom of him washing and brushing his teeth and so on.

I want to incorporate the staircase into the video, with the singing walking down them after the bedroom scene.

I also want to use shots of the band members playing at the top of the stairs/ on the landing playing their instruments- each person on a different floor shot from a low angle.

The second half of the video could take place in the living room of his house as I could frame the whole band together in this room. I would remove some of the furniture and ornaments from the walls to make the setting look more like a basic bedsit.