Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Album Art Ideas

I have been  thinking about what I imagine the album cover to look like, and using album art by similar artists as refernce point to judge what style would suit this type of music and artist.

I initially thought about using the image of the 3 band members wearing hats as the image for the whole of the cover but thought that it wasn't quite captivating enough.

I came up with a few initial ideas which I expanded on slightly as I sketched them out.

I developed this idea to was to use the photos taken of the band wearing and swapping hats which I used for the pixilation (stop motion) section of my video and to create thumbnail images of these photos and arrange them uniformly on the cover like four smaller squares on a lrager square. When I looked I saw there were three different images of the band all wearing different hats, and first thought it would look wrong with only 3 instead of 4 thumnail pictures.

However, I soon realised that I could use the 4th square the put the Band name/ album name and manipulate that into the last square to create an idea of 4 images.


The second idea was to use photos of the in the pub garden sitting around the table playing and writing songs as in the video, so whilst filming the pub shots I took some stills to manipulate into an album front cover.

The thrid idea was to take some photos of the band member walking down a dark, gritty looking alleyway walking towards the camera which would be taking a low angle shot of them to make them look dominant. This would draw the focus onto the band members themselves. The singer/ guitarist could have his guitar slung over his shoulder. The band name/ album title could be positioned in the bottom centralised, looking like the band are walking towards the words.