Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Existing Adverts

Here is the advertisement for The Maccabees album Wall of Arms. The advert used the same picture as the album cover hovere is extended vertically at the bottom. The image on the advert shows the same people as on the digipak with paint appearing to drip and run down the advert page. This further shows the stylised picture is using artistic techniques like painting or clay models. There are no reviews, comments or ratings left by magazines or critics on the advert.

The band members are dressed in bright vibrant colours which is very eye catching and draws attention to that actual members in the band. The image of the members looks somewhat like they are shop mannequins as they look very inanimate. 

The extra space on the bottom isn't used very effectively as the only information given on the advert is the band name, album title and that it is out now. Emotional language like "acclaimed album" entices the audience to buy the album.