Thursday, March 8, 2012

Rough cut- feedback

Here's the feedback I received from the people who had watched my film:

Viewer 1:

  • Add some different angles- maybe side shot of the singer when sitting up in bed singing to break up the front facing mid shot
  • Add in a shot of the skyline- to visualise the lyrical references to the 'town' they live in
  • The transition between monochrome and full colour could perhaps be in a better defined place such as when the door opens to the front room
  • Add a new location into the last chorus as this is a long section of the band playing and could be split up a bit as it gets a bit tedious and the new changed singer could be emphasised in other ways. Such as messing about, having a laugh with his mates in a pub garden for example
  • End on a happier shot
Viewer 2:
  • Excellent variety of shots
  • More close-ups of playing/ vary the ones used as they are repeated
  • Focus more on the other band members
  • Some shots are too slow
  • The change from monochrome to colour works well
  • Good camera angles
  • Lip syncing is good
  • The drummer "wooo" (flipping and catching the drumsticks) may be slightly out of time
Viewer 3:
  • Good close-up of alarm clock and sound to start
  • lip syncing is good
  • like the fast pan around the bedroom
  • The lip syncing at 1:13 could be better
  • I like the shots of the band walking across the shot during the instrumental
  • The stop motion of the band members changing positions is good and quirky
  • Perhaps have all band members singing during chorus
  • Different close-ups of drums, guitar and bass needed as the same ones are used more than once
  • Maybe include shots of a girl to link to the lyrics
  • The closing shot needs to be more powerful
Viewer 4:
  • Like the opening shots
  • Really good use of unique transitions (camera pan)
  • Everything is shot on shot to action, walks out of one frame and into another, well edited and it's in time with the music
  • 1:00-1:20 this shot lasts too long and the actor isn't singing with 'passion' it would be good if there were different angles to break it up more
  • 2:09 is very well edited
  • Lip syncing is good
  • Overall, the start of the video is chronological and the ending doesn't really follow the story on and the shots of the band are rather repetitive.
Viewer 5:
  • Like the use of black and white filter, it matches the lyrics and storyline well
  • Interesting transitions are nice
  • 0:08-0:10 doesn't match to the tempo, and seems like the video is frozen
Viewer 6:
  • Funny comedy element- shutting the bathroom door
  • Like the black and white- makes it match the slightly sombre lyrics
  • Close up shots on lead singer are good, shows the lyrics are from his perspective and he really means them
  • Having the whole band together from the chorus is good- shows they are there for each other to pull through the bad times
  • Cutting between shots is good and to the beat
  • Like the zooms of the instruments, draws your attention to the other elements of the song like drums and bass line
  • Not a good transition in the bed scene
  • Don't like the zoom in on body- it doesn't fit
Viewer 7:
  • Lip syncing is good
  • 0:33-0:35 transition is a little jarring
  • 1:26 the other band members lack emotion
  • Colour footage looks more grainy
  • Big solo, but a little strum
  • Overall, quite professional