Friday, March 9, 2012

Self feedback

After finishing my rough cut there were immediately some things I wanted to change.

Between 0:08 and 0:10 the shot of the singer sprawled over the edge of the bed didn't last long enough before he rolled back onto his back which i wanted to keep in that position so he rolled onto his back in synchronization with the bass run that acts as a transition between the introduction and the verse. I resolved this by adding a freeze frame of him before he rolled onto his back.

On reflection, it solves the issue but makes the video jumpy and interrupts the flow of the scene. I initially thought I would re-film this shot but it was very sunny on the day I filmed which caused bright highlights and harsh shadows on the walls of the bedroom etc. I think if I re-filmed this shot I would be unable to create good continuity without re-filming the whole of the bedroom scene which I don't want to do as i am pleased with all the other shots.

I think I will film a completely different shot and cut that into that place, as there aren't many shots setting the scene at the start of the video and there are lots of consecutive shots of him in bed, which could get tedious to some viewers. Since the lyrics make repeated reference to the "town" they live in and the "same grey northern skies" I deicided upon taking a shot of the skyline of the houses in the area looking out of window of the singer's house.

The handheld, point of view shot of the singer looking out of the window, turning round and walking out of the bedroom was used to fill a gap that I was going to fill with another camera transition of time lapse photography of the clock going round.

I will film the clock in a close up shot for a long period of time on a plain background since I want it to be noticably separated from the other shot and I don't want a location or other items seen in the background. I will then speed up the footage and put this in place of the handheld shot for my final cut.

I need to record the sound of the alarm clock ringing and dub that in as the current sound is taken from the video so won't be as good quality and isn't long enough to be dubbed over the other shots until the singer turns of the alarm.

I agreed that having watched the finished rough cut, it needed a new location in somewhere in the video. Since the last chorus is longer than the others and I had used only performance by the band in this element I decided that this would be a good place to add a new location as it would relieve some tediousness that builds up in the previously repeitive sector. To add in a new location I decided to film in a pub garden as I thought this suited the brand image of my band that they would enjoy going to the pub writing bits of songs, and having a laugh and joke with each other as mates do. Unfortunately when I came to film these shots the weather was quite poor and didn't entirely match what I hoped it would be like, but this was beyond my control.

In the middle section when the singer is performing on his own (still in black and white), before the 'Groundhog Day' section, in which the footage repeats at high speed, there is a long shot of him singing and playing guitar to himself which lasts for near enough 20 seconds. On reflection I thought that the duration of this shot was too long. I dec ided to recreate this shot, but film from some different camera angles and shot types. In doing this I had to ensure the positioning of the chair in the room was the same, the costume of the singer was the same and that there was nothing in the shot that wasn't there previously. The lighting on the two days was rather different but the noticeability of this was minimal since I applied a black and white filter to all of these shots.

Feedback from my peers told me that the last shot was not very strong and should be changed. Since filming the shots at the pub I decided to use a shot of them leaving the pub and walking round the corner as the last shot before the transitional fade to black as this would create a more natural ending, which I also thought was a good point to work on.