Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Digipak Examples- Guillemots

The front cover insert shown below is for the Guillemots début album 'Through the Windowpane'. It uses a photo of a small square window, the picture has a dull, noisy quality to it and a picture of a garden with thorns tangled up across it is superimposed where the glass of the window would be. The 'Guillemots' is written across the top of the cover and is in a jagged script in white on the darker grey/brown wall surrounding the window. The album title 'Through the Windowpane' is written in the bottom right hand corner and utilises a handwritten, curvy, joined up font.

The Guillemots- Made Up Love Song #43 This cover is also photographic and the shot is taken with bright red flowers in the background these are in the foreground and are out of focus and frame an image of cars on a road with trees and a block of flats in the background. The red flowers connote love, linking to the song title and the bright colours used connote summer and happiness.

'Falling Out Of Reach' This is quite a stern cover and features a photograph of a man holing his glasses in a dull, cold room. The 'Guillemots' is written in their usual font in white, the title is again on the right hand side of the cover and in a type written, almost typewriter like font.

 The Guillemots 'We're Here' uses a simple, plain cover art of a vintage bike leaning against a telephone pole. The background is a sky colour, so the font is black so it shows up well and the 'Guillemots' brand image font is again used. The title of the song is written in a serif, newsprint style font smaller and written underneath the artist name.

'Trains to Brazil' has a picture of a schoolboy running across a school playground mid-stride. It is quite plain so makes the user think about what it symbolises. The fonts are very similar to the ones that the Guillemots always use and the artist name font is identical to the other covers.